This page is an offering for those looking to hire Brent Tyler. With over 25+ years of music performance experience from small backyard campfires to the big stage and everywhere in between, this page will give you a detailed descriptions of BT Services for Hire and how you can book Brent Tyler!
House Concert
I set up shop in your living room/backyard/community hall and you invite 25-100+ of your friends/family/neighbours over for an intimate and interactive show. I perform my original music and select covers sharing stories/context for the music creating a unique opportunity to connect to the origin of the songwriting all while being entertained by my amusing sense of humour and charming personality.
Instead of spending $50-$100 on a concert ticket + $50-$100 on drinks + $50-$100 on dinner + $50-$100 on cab fare, you tell everyone to bring $25-$35 cash or credit that goes directly to the artist for the performance -minus any expenses you incur as the host. The host defers the performance fee to the patrons and it's win-win-win for everyone involved!
It's BYOBooze BYOChair BYOSnacks that can all be bought at Costco for wholesale prices, and you save yourself a boatload of cash while enriching your lives with a unique and meaningful live music experience.
There's two 45-60 minute sets with a healthy break in between that gives you the chance to mingle and connect before, during, and after the show with a common ground music loving community.
House Party
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Recorded Video
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Birthday Wish
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Songwriting Session
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Service Name
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What Our Clients Say